Information about the CUP
⭕️Carp up to 47 kg
⭕️110 ha of water surface
⭕️10,670€ total prize money 😮
⭕️36 Teams, mind. 2 max 3 people
⭕️„Best of 6" Modus
The video about it
prize money 💸
🥇1. place 5000€
🥈2. place 2000€
🥉3. place 1000€
Sektorwertung 💸
🥇Sektor A 1000€
🥈Sektor B 1000€
🥉Biggest Fish 1000 €
Look at the body of water on Google!👇🏻
1000€ Pro Team
Daten bzgl. Steuerkarte Ungarn
Es wird von
jedem Teammitglied (2 oder 3 Personen)
die ungarische Steuerkarte benötigt. Wenn diese nicht vorhanden ist, wird
sie von uns vorab besorgt und dafür benötigen wir folgende Daten: Adresse, Reisepassfoto, Geburtsdatum,
Mädchenname der Mutter.
getting there
Die Teams
can arrive the day before the start of the cup (June 20, 2023, in the afternoon). Food and drink will be provided.
Am 21.06.2023
at 08:00 all teams have to be on site. If a team is late, they will be assigned the last place. who remains.
Start of the competition:
Welcoming, the lottery takes place and the seats can be obtained. solder or Markers are not allowed before the start! The starting shot is at 11
Teilnehmer/Innen der ein Boot betritt, ist verpflichtet dass er eine
Schwimmweste trägt und jedes Boot muss CE geprügt sein. Futterboote sind auch
erlaubt sowie das Angeln mit Marker Spod und Wurfrute. Das fahren mit dem Boot außerhalb des Sektors
ist verboten. Bei Übermäßigen Alkoholkonsum darf das Boot nicht betreten werden
und jeder Angler übernimmt bei Anzahlung die Haftung für seine Handlungen.
Bait/ Rigs
• Max. 4 fishing rods allowed.
• A braided main line is not allowed.
•The minimum line thickness is 0.30 mm.
•Single Hook (Barbless or Micro) - all with fixed lead rigs!
•Anything presented on the hair is allowed.
•Live bait is prohibited.
Cigarettes are thrown into the water, you immediately get the red card and
will be referred by the owner of the lake.
Any cigarette must be disposed of in an ashtray.
Fishing is done in "Bestof 6" mode
The 6 are counted
heaviest fish and these result in the total weight. All mirror and
Scale carp over 5kg. Amur, marble and silver carp are not counted.
If the total weight of two teams is exactly the same at the end of the competition, the team with the
ahead of heavier fish. Should a team of 4 carp have more weight
like a team with 6 carp, of course, the higher weight and thus decides
the 4 heaviest carp
Fishing area/ PEG
Each team partner (2
or 3) may operate all 4 rods. One fisherman on each team must always
be a fishing spot. Each team has a sector available that is unique
is marked. Ejection is only in the allocated sector and
only allowed from shore. Throwing lines must be observed.
Rigs may only be ejected with the rod.
Each team has an appropriate unhooking mat, large carp net, scale, clinic, and 3 floating weigh slings and 3
Bring sacks of carp
Wiege team
become fish
exclusively by the weighing team or weighed by the referee. Carp over 20 kg are weighed immediately.
Data regarding tax card Hungary
It will be Hungarian by each team member (2 or 3 people).
Control card required. If this is not available, we will provide it
obtained in advance and for this we need the following data: address, passport photo,
Mother's date of birth and maiden name.
Serious violations will be punished with an immediate disqualification! Warnings or disqualifications are to be issued at the sole discretion of the referees. The refund of the entry fee is excluded. In the event of illness or other circumstances, a replacement must be provided. Locally, the arbitration bodies have the power of decision. The organizer takes over for accidents. No liability for theft, injury or other damage. Each participant is responsible for himself and takes this with his registration or. payment note. The disclaimer applies. The organizer reserves the right to cancel the event without giving reasons. In this case, the full entry fee will be refunded to the participants within 14 days of cancellation. The minimum number of participants is 30 teams. If this number of fixed registrations is not reached by the end of May, the event will be cancelled.